New Builds – Custom Buildings
New Buildings with Pole Barn Construction
We have pioneered the use of laminated columns in WNY about 10 years before all others. We initiated the use and design of flush framed wall systems for the WNY area. We have lead the way in the implementation of stainless steel fasteners on all our projects and now consider this standard practice. We pioneered post frame buildings as a form of housing in WNY. We are constantly looking for new colors and were the first to introduce Sunset Blue.
In addition to your choices of sizes, color, layout, and other features, you also can decide between two distinct framing systems:
Building Types
Flush Frame System
Flush framing is used for buildings that will be insulated. Whether it is heated now or in the future, no additional framing would be needed.
Since our buildings are custom to your specific needs, we require you to make an appointment and come into our office in Java Center. At this time, we will figure out the best solution to meet all your needs. Call 585-457-3300 today to make your appointment and get your building quote.
We are fully insured. No child or illegal labor is used. We remove all our debris and leave your site as clean as possible.
New Build Quote Request
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1676 Route 78, Java Center, NY 14082
© 2020 Just Barns Inc.
1676 Route 78, Java Center, New York 14082
Phone: 585-457-3300